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Assesment Process

Our assessment methods are tailored to meet the needs of the company and the candidate and are designed to reduce the impact on the candidate’s working day as much as possible. Due to the use of live video evidence we are able to conduct holistic and authentic evidence collection very efficiently which is reflected in our competitive pricing and fast lead times compared to our competitors.

We also utilise remote assessment methods as required. We aim to complete all NVQs within 10 weeks.

Below is a brief overview of what candidates should expect over the duration of the qualification, we will work with them to provide details of the required evidence and answer any questions.

• A recorded professional discussion over zoom to discuss work history and current project(s) and processes
• A site visit to collect video evidence of the candidate conducting and/or explaining specific aspects of the job
• Copies of e-mails sent to or from the candidate during the course of their daily role along with any relevant documents/reports

Assesment Process

Our assessment methods are tailored to meet the needs of the company and the candidate and are designed to reduce the impact on the candidate’s working day as much as possible. Due to the use of live video evidence we are able to conduct holistic and authentic evidence collection very efficiently which is reflected in our competitive pricing and fast lead times compared to our competitors. We also utilise remote assessment methods as required. We aim to complete all NVQs within 10 weeks.

Below is a brief overview of what candidates should expect over the duration of the qualification, we will work with them to provide details of the required evidence and answer any questions.

  • A recorded professional discussion over zoom to discuss work history and current project(s) and processes
  • A site visit to collect video evidence of the candidate conducting and/or explaining specific aspects of the job
  • Copies of e-mails sent to or from the candidate during the course of their daily role along with any relevant documents/reports
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    © 2022 – | All rights reserved | MMC Construction Training & Consultancy, | Bramingham Business Park, Luton, LU3 4BU | Privacy Policy | Terms and Conditions | Contact us
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    © 2022 – | All rights reserved | MMC Construction Training & Consultancy, | Bramingham Business Park, Luton, LU3 4BU | Privacy Policy | Terms and Conditions | Contact us
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